Which is which?
When which is which?
Which life are you most used to?
Which one are you living in, in reality?
Is there, even, a difference between these two lives?
Do we choose where to live? If not, why? If so, when?
Are we really conscious and aware of which one is which?
When was this distinction made, why was it made and how?
How much fiction and reality does a book or even a film contain?
Can something fictional be real and something real be fictional?
Hello Dreamers!
I know, I
know. Two things. It's been so long since I finish this post I posted a few months ago. Also, I've already posted
this one already, so why is it that I'm writing on a second post on the same day? I'm just in the mood to do so. As simple as it sounds, guys. Anyway, let's get started!
Although it's been some time now since I posted this, I'm still struggling in finding a possible difference or else similarity, if any, between these two concepts: fictional life and real life. Nevertheless, there are some of aspects I think I have never changed in thinking and never will, as I'm wholeheartedly stuck with them (not necessarily in a bad sense).
First of all, let me advertise you, I won't be answering the questions I made right above, right away. First reason: there is, as I see it, no right answer to any of them. Second reason: I cannot find a proper one for any of the above, not sufficiently substancial to make myself clear, at least. However, I will be as clear as possible when showing you my thoughts on this matter.
This struggle of mine, which I believe many of you deal with, occurred after attending one of my 'mind palace's speeches, which tends to take place some time to time, after watching a film or reading a book. If you're a book or film lover, you may understand what I mean. It so happens that I'm in the need to know the questions I made at the very top of this post.
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Prepare yourselves to read some pretty profound aspects, feelings and conclusions I made during this sort of "mind palace speech". Hopefully, some of them sound quite familiar to you or either conclusive. If not, please, make sure you comment down below your thoughts on them!
Wow, that's what I call a long introduction to this topic! But, hey, in my believe: to complex aspects, long speeches.
All statements are based on nothing other than my thoughts and perspectives.
· Statement 1: We are used to deal with problems and complexities since we were children. However, no one and nothing has ever taught us what 'reality' is and what 'fiction' is. This may happen because no one really knows it. Some may relate 'fiction' to 'magic' and, therefore, it is not to be spoiled, ever. And that one has to just discover and live one's life without knowing it because 'answers will come in the right moment, at the right time'. Others may think, it is crucial to get to know the differences between what is real and what is fictional, constantly, always, in order to be happy.
· Statement 2: To understand something, one has to compare it necessarily to the other. Otherwise, no definition will be entirely correct or loyal to its real meaning. By reading or watching to fictional life, we can understand the real life.
· Statement 3: Actors are objects when acting, but they're conscious of that. They are suppose to separate the fictional life they're working in from their own real life. If some people are incapable of acting, the reason why this happens may be because of the fact that they think there's only one life to live in, or else, they don't believe in the existence of two worlds other than 'the real world'.
· Statement 4: Whether something is real or fictional, is up to one's perspective on the matter.
· Statement 5: It is thanks to the fictional life that we live in the real life. And fictional life is based on real life and, if not, something related to it. And it is through fictional life that we see and perceive the real one, and the other way round. So is it then reality or fiction, what we depend on and where we live?
These 5 statements are the main ones I've been thinking of so far. If anyone feels like there's more to be mentioned, do not hesitate on writing them on the comments below! I'll be so pleased and grateful to hear from your thoughts on this!
I presume these five statements, this whole post actually, might have caused you some headache or feel like nothing makes sense anymore. Don't worry, I'm aware of it and I know it may not make sense (but let me tell you, it does for me, although not all the time). Let me give you some final examples (and therefore illustrative conclusions) I thought of that show what 'real life' and 'fictional life' is for me, taking my 4th statement into account:
· Example 1: When I went to TheMakingOfHarryPotter (London) with my parents, I felt like I was living a fictional life, I couldn't believe it was actually real. In the end, I felt it was real, so I knew it did happen. In other words, what happened to be a fictional feeling, ended up becoming a real one! (both)
· Example 2: When I read a book for the first time, I'm reading a fictional thing in a real world. When I'm in the middle of the book, which I'm enjoying, I feel like I'm living in the book, more than living where I used to call 'real world' before. And when I finish the book, I feel like I no longer belong to the real world and my heart belongs totally to the fictional one. But, some weeks later, I go with my family on a trip and I again feel like I'm living in the real world. (both)
· Example 3: If we start falling asleep, we start depending more on the fictional world, than the real world. However, if we are thirsty, our mind automatically dreams of something that may awake us and go to the kitchen and drink some water. (both)
As you see and as I am trying to conclude is that, in the end, according to my beliefs, we cannot live without the other. We need fiction and reality to live.
Imagine a world without reality.
Imagine a world without fiction.
Thanks to both worlds, we can appreciate each of them. And that is simply wonderful. Sometimes painful (specially when we wish there was only one, which usually tends to be the fictional one). But in the end, we must be grateful for having both of them so close to us!
By the way,
Inside Out is a great film that deals with these kind of emotional and mental situations (don't worry, it is an animated film, suitable for all). Have you watched it already? What are your thoughts on it? It is one of my favourite films ever!
Thanks so much for sticking with me! Feel free to comment anything related to this topic answering some of the questions I wrote at the beginning of this post, if you feel in the mood to do so! :)
Update: I've just had a rather serious and terrifying discussion with my parents in the car on our way back home. My mum, who is not the only one who says so, said to me I had to mature in order to see 'the real life' and 'what really matters' and 'what is correct'. Perhaps she's right, I need to mature, but is it that important and that essential, after all? For God's sake, not at all, right? Am I wrong?
Why are we, dreamers, constantly criticized and bullied for not following 'what is correct' and 'back to reality'? If there is, in fact, a fictional life, why on earth does everyone need to belong and live in the 'real one' mainly, as it is the only way to 'find happiness'?
We are all human beings and, as it is, deserve to belong to the life we want to belong to. We all deserve a life, in fact. What's the point on living in a world where your body is the only one appreciating it, where mind and soul are simply not there, not living the moment, cause they're like in a cage where they don't feel free and happy?
Statement 6: The three things one has to wonder and has to ask in order to help others who are or where in the same situation of the former:
- Is my body here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?
- Is my mind here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?
- Is my soul here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?
Statement 7: Something to be taken into account, related to this latter statement, is whether you're living in the reality you want to live or there's someone else choosing for you, instead. (Is it so important the 'if you can afford it, then, yes'?)
To be true, I don't know anymore what is real, what is not. I feel like all the reality I want to see, there'll always be someone who'll spoil it and say to me 'it is not true' or 'that does not exist' or 'that doesn't make one's happiness' or 'there'll never be or exist nothing like that, ever'. C'mon! We are human beings. We need magic, we need dreams, we need fiction and reality (not necessarily in that order, nor separately).
For a world filled up with immature and mature realities! All realities are necessary. No exception.
Long Live To All Dreamers And Catchers In The Rye, like me. Welcome to this reality, to this home.