Friday, 30 September 2016

Bewitching Boys? Bugger off!

September 30th already!
Well - hello dreamers, my dearest ones!

I know. What's this post about, girl? Only one post on this ending month and of all the things to be talked and described in this world, all the actually possible beautiful things, you just happen to came up with this one. I guess it shows an actual summary of what's been happening this course. See? I know. 

Now, before you continue this not-worth-it and massive bubble of conclusions (which maybe no one will ever do as no one reads this bloody blog, only 3 of me do: my past, present and future), let me get more and more into the big point of today's (tonight's, already! Guys – September 30th is being – and not for much time now!)

This month's been great, really. It's just that whenever I feel like writing, Time takes it away from me. You may relate to that. Don't pretend you don't. Everyone gets to know Time, once in one's life at least. Anyway, it's almost 9 pm (it's actually almost 8pm, but not sure how long will this take me having Time right on my shoulders and on my hands as trying to make them go faster and faster).

As always, lots of introductory paragraphs and by the time I get to the main point which brought me here actually, it'll be probably midnight and September will be forever summarised as: in albis, noughts, nada, rien, nichts.

Perhaps I should therefore not continue this. But – oh bugger! How many times have I told you it's September 30th, already! I just can't believe it, can you? As you probably know by now, I promised myself I'd be posting a post (oh, Redundancy appeared on a post of mine, once again! Well hello dear, thanks for ruining my already limited English word box) once a month, at least! So – big surprise – time's almost up! Need to post something. Don't think for one second I'm that vague. I mean, guys, I've been thinking about this post almost ten hours earlier today, so don't blame me – not today (if you happen to be one of the only people in this world who actually read my posts; that would be a big surprise, indeed).

Dear "Bewitching Boys" and dear romantic comedy films that make their existence possible: Bye.

And it doesn't help me dealing with the real thing – the actual struggle. Love, that is.

I love watching films. But there's only one thing I cannot help preventing my eyes from: seeing – nice and freaking perfect attractive guys! C'mon. It is fairly tested that it's an unhealthy way of killing young hearts.

What good they do on us? Highly-deadly false emotional expectations. Stop 'treating' my eyes as if they were part of an idiot thingy.

Films create the guy who everyone loves and wants, but no one gets to meet or even see in their entire life – ever. Magic? Nah – I'd rather call it: A buggered bugger of buggers. Urghh!

Dear film-makers, film-producers, film-writers, film-costumers... dear ALL who made:
Bridget Jones diaries, Pride And Prejudice, Sense And Sensibility, Roman Holiday, Notting Hill, Love Actually, MammaMia, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Must Love Dogs, Ghost, You've Got Mail, Sabrina, and many more possible:

Me x

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Adding Words To Static Views #1

Hello, daydreamers!

Welcome to: Adding Words To Static Views section.
This is a new section I'm very, very excited to announce you!

As you all may know by now, I love reading as much as I love writing. What I love most, however, is challenging myself. And this is a new challenge I thought of, some weeks ago.

This section is about two main things: a photo + some thoughts.
I'm going to be posting a photo per post (a random photo) and then comment from 3 to 10 thoughts based on what I see and what inspires me and stuff like that.

But here's where you can participate on this:

I'll be posting a random picture each month at the beginning of it, so that you can comment your own thoughts on what you think of it, what inspires you when you look at it, etc. And then, at the end of the month, I'll update the post adding my own thoughts.

Because this is a new section on my blog, on this first post, I'll add my thoughts on this random photo already, so that you can see how it's going to be like.

Without further do, let's get started!

#1 (an advert taken from a magazine)

Thought 1:

We think we love sth or sb, but it's not after one judges what we do to them in order to make them happy that really tell us whether we love them or not.

Look at where the guy is looking at – apparently, the horse. His eyes go right towards the horse's reins, not the horse itself. So he thinks he loves him because he's protecting his horse with those reins. Look at the horse's eyes, however. Eyes speak for themselves.

Thought 2:

This guy is on a suit, so he is apparently a gentleman who is right on the left of the horse, at the same stage. This could be understood as the fact that we, humans, are not always right or as right as we think. Also, we all are equal, men and animals. No matter how we dress or what we look like, there's equality within us. We all belong to the same planet.

Instead of looking at the horse, he is looking at his very reins. In other words, what surprises him isn't the horse itself, but the reins. He's trying to take them off the horse.

Thought 3:

None of them are looking directly at the picture, but it is noticeable that it does not look natural. It's a black-and-white picture, but the watch keeps playing and moving. It's the only thing in the picture that moves. Nothing else.

Thought 4:

The man, whose watch is pretty meaningful, is smiling. We're not sure why or what makes him smile. Obviously, it cannot be the reins of the horse what makes him do so, but something else. That increases one's curiosity which makes the advert achieve its purpose of us staring at it.

He might be smiling because time stops when he is with his horse. He's a business man, so time is gold, except when he's with his horse. He's attached to him, which might be shown with the reins; the reins demonstrate his affection towards the horse and that he is strongly attached to his horse.
It is impossible to fight against time, but against an animal – that is morally impossible. 

Thought 5:

This newish advertisement is in black and white, a contradiction. Speaking of possible contradictions, there's another one: gentleman (which reminds us of new times) and horse (old times). The man is attached to time, the horse to his reins.

The symbolism linked to this man is his business life (whiteness), as well. The horse's symbolism would also be his reins (blackness). Notice the man's appearance: whitish. The horse's is blackish, no joke. Look at it carefully. There's more white in the man's side and there's more black in the horse's.

Thought 6:

The horse is not happy because he wants the watch his owner has. And yet, the horse is still linked to him. Those reins are new, but the horse is not satisfied and the man knows it and that's why he may be smiling.

I think that what sums up this picture very well is: 'Eyes speak for themselves.' (Thought 1)

Let me know down below which thought was the one that you thought of the first time you saw this advertisement! Which of these 6 thoughts you liked the most? Which ones did you think of?

Much love x

Friday, 8 July 2016

My uncle's advice

Hello you dreamers!

I need you to be sort of serious, now, if you please. This post I'm about to share with you, guys, is directly linked to my family and my academical experiences. Nothing to be fooling around, really.

I was talking with my uncle about how my first year at University had been and what I learned and what my thoughts were on how it went and my expectations through this degree and life, etc. Indeed, a very profound discussion. The thing is, I told him I sometimes wondered whether I had made the right chose.

You see, I'm studying English Studies at University because I wanted to. I've always been captivated by each and every aspect related to the English language, history and culture. Nevertheless, I cannot deny I've sometimes imagined myself in another field and how much fun I would have had, if I had chosen a different field, being not the case. I've always been both jealous and fascinated every time my mum and my uncle talk so passionately about scientific things and I've always wanted to join them jumping into the field they once decided at my age.

It is then that I said to him – 'I think I should've studied Science.'

And he suddenly replied, without even thinking nor blinking – 'Don't say that. Don't ever say that, again, Alba.' – He stared at me for some seconds before adding, cautious and meaningfully– 'Don't misunderstand me, but you should not change your decisions because other fields might look simply better or because people around you, like your mum and I, prefer a field you did not choose at first. Remember, no field is better or worse than any other. All fields are interesting, have its own beauty and its own importance. Don't underrate one because of what you hear or because of what you fear.'

And he went on. As you can imagine, I had a very serious, intense and important discussion with my uncle Tete, yesterday afternoon. Serious, yes, but utterly educative. He expressed his positive views on: being curious about the things you want to learn about, reading what you like, studying what inquires and intrigues you the most, among others.

Then, I came up with the idea of sharing it with you seeing how it really modified me. Usually, one does not realize how important it is to talk about these avoidable and obvious aspects we all take for granted. Ironically, it so happens that the things we take for granted are the ones that cause us most of the problems and difficulties we tend to deal with, almost daily.

Although I may not express it with the exact words he used, I'm going to try and do my best so as to give you at least a clear idea of the main things he remarked.

According to Mr. Villagrasa, as he must be accurratedly referred to, there has always been great and genius people out there, and will always be; but that does not have to affect those who, in comparison to them, are not (or think are not). Instead, try to make small steps, don't expect to do great things.

In other words, don't give up at the first signal of failure whichever situation or case you are dealing with, give it another go instead, but making sure not to commit the same mistake you just did; find new ways of doing it, just like Mr. Edison did a hundred times. It is those hundred times that mattered, not that one time he succeeded, for instance.

It so happens that we tend to give up and avoid the things that are most difficult to achieve, but, as my uncle said: ' It is a wrong mistake, indeed'. And that made me think of one of the small posters I own since I was almost nine years old, a gift from my mum's. In the poster, there are eight coloured figures, (like this one)–

–and each figure is located in a different tread of a stair made of eight treads, if you follow me. So the interesting part of the poster I am trying to illustrate you, comes just now: each tread has a sentence and each figure represents that sentence as if they were saying them:

  · 1st (and, therefore, lowest) tread: 'I won't do it.'
  · 2nd tread: 'I can't do it.'
  · 3rd tread: 'I want to do it.'
  · 4th tread: 'How to do it?'
  · 5th tread: 'I'll try to do it.'
  · 6th tread: 'I can do it.'
  · 7th tread: 'I will do it!'
  · 8th (and highest) tread: 'It is doable!'

Hopefully it's been illustrative enough for you to picture the idea of it and its meaning. One has to figure out, in every situation they're dealing with, in which tread they are and whether they want to stay there or go upstairs. And it is as simple as that!

Back to my uncle's advice, try not to compare to anyone but your past self and your present self. That is very important. You can always contribute something somewhere, even if it is in a small scale. And, moreover, when it happens, most of times, you won't realize that it is thanks to you that someone somewhere is being, has been or will be, influenced by you, positively. That's why one must stick to their beliefs and their real purposes and dreams towards one's present and future.

When it comes to languages, he pointed me out that by learning a different language, I can learn many a thing, including Science. Speaking of this, English will allow me to learn more and interesting aspects about a different culture and compare them to the ones I've been brought up with and, therefore, this will make me build a critical point of view towards two different cultures, for instance.

As I mentioned a few paragraphs above, motivation and curiosity are two of the most important aspects that one has to take care of all the time. If you wonder what kind of food otters eat or how far the Earth is from Saturn or even what it's an Eskimo lifestyle like, go to the library and pick up a book related to that or, much better, take your phone or computer and go to websites like Wikipedia or Youtube and allow yourself to satisfy that hunger and curiosity within yourself that asks you so fiercely to feed. Nowadays, it is so easy to satisfy one's curiosity, really!

One of the last things my uncle stated was that it is not worth spending one's time looking for everything to be learnt, because it is out of someone's hands to do so. One has to go step by step, dream by dream, curiosity by curiosity, one at a time. Otherwise, you'll suffer unnecessarily.

Finally, taking one of Albus Dumbledore's advice:
("Help" being "knowledge"'; and "Hogwarts" being "one's mind"')

Thank you, uncle!
Thank you, Dumbledore!
Thank you, reader, if you've stuck with me until the very end of this post!

Monday, 27 June 2016

Literary Game: A Bee With No Stinger #2

Hello, dreamers!

First things first, yes, this is another post related to this one I recently posted.

This story I wrote a few days ago is quite peculiar because the character that I randomly chose from the box was a very annoying one. And I thought I would give him the end that he deserves, personally. About a year ago, I read the first two books of the After series (I was going to link a website where you can hear more about this saga, BUT I'm not gonna do it. It simply doesn't deserve it. And no, I don't like this saga, at least the first two books which were about pretty much the same thing.)

I love reading books and, among all the books I've read up to date so far, there are only three books I'll always consider to be "not good enough", "not literature", "a complete disaster", however you wanna call it. I call it rubbish, with no commas in-between.

Look, I am a very tolerable person, specially when it comes to book characters, but there are things I simply cannot tolerate. When something I find completely wrong and, annoyingly, the author paints it as if it were a good thing, in reality, and the problem was that people cannot understand nor see the point of view and the reasons why that person who is doing wrong things actually do them, that is what I hate. Look, it is obvious that all people, bad ones and evil ones (although there is only in-between, there is no "bad" people nor "good" people), do things for a certain reason they have in mind. But what I am discussing and arguing here is not the fact that this annoying character I'm referring to is doing those horrible things for no reason, cause there must be a reason, but the fact that whichever one he is thinking of, it is certainly not a good one. To put it in other words, he is mentally insane and needs some heavy and long-term psychological help. But as I tried to say a few lines above, what drives me crazy is that in the book this character is seen as a poor one who needs to be understood and, to make things worse, it is the female character Tessa, who is being constantly abused by him, that says so and makes the reader believe that, actually, the victim is the one that needs to change because the other simply cannot. This gets me crazy.

At first, when I read the first novel, I thought, wow, I guess teenagers love this book because of how well this story shows how manipulation and abuse looks like from a victim's point of view. But, what did I start finding out? That, actually, girls loved the male's character because they put themselves into Tessa's shoes! What–even–! That guy needs help, girls! Come on, he sh*gged with her because of a bet he did with his other friends. C'mon!

  You may have now an idea of what this character signifies to me and specially seeing how girls react to it, as if he was a hero or who knows what. 

  So here you have the story I created from what I randomly got. Enjoy it yourselves. I advertise you, this story of mine is full of sarcasm it is up to you whether you interpret it literally or sarcastically. Enjoy it! Seriously!


Character: Hardyn (After series)
Element: alien
Element: bee
Element: light -> idea

He was...
...a good guy.
...a very good guy.
He was, in fact, perfect. That's what he always thought. He had a perfect life and he could not be disgraceful for that. Everybody loved him.

At least, that's what he thought. He was the only one who thought of him and who would describe him as such. There was this day when, apparently, everything turned its logical appearance. He didn't understand it why. Luckily, he never will. No. Not after what happened. Not after what we did. What I did.

That what was that? Oh, well, I guess you'll just have to wait until I let you know what, how and even why I met this – human, I guess.

Hardyn. Hard-In. Garden, in Spanish. Himself. He was playing with a girl named Tessa, literally and metaphorically speaking, something he would do. To make things clear, he loved her as much or even less than I love him. Ew, I don't think I've ever mentioned 'love' and 'Hardyn' in a single sentence.

Before you start forming an opinion of my character, let me tell you I've got all the good reasons to think ill of him. I do. Quite frankly, how am I supposed to be bothered about it if you don't even know my name yet?

Humanalien. That's what they call me. I am not a hybrid thingy, at least not anymore. I'm in charge of finding out all the alive rubbish inhabiting this planet that are, for many centuries now, materially humanised (or hidden in a body, in most cases). Now, Hardyn was one of them – slightly different.

I was lurking in the space, as usual. What happened was I didn't have to get closer from where I was, although it was miles and light years away from there. It was very noticeable the tiny walking petrol moving in the Earth. Hardyn.

I got closer, because I knew that what I had seen would go down in history. I got advantage of my endless energy within my arms and got closer and closer. And then there he was, abusing the girl I later on came to know as Tessa. I didn't have to think much to know what I would do, and I did.

Once he was killed, bodily speaking, I transformed him from a 'he' into an 'it', a bee. Not a common one, though, for he was not a common guy, in the bad sense. Because he was used to bite people so frequently, I didn't think he would bee in need of a physical stinger. He owned one already in his tiny little brain (which was, by the way, the only part of his body that wasn't transformed; it was so small, there was no need to). I totally respected that and that's why I did what I did. 

Don't think ill of me, now. He's allowed to go and find food to feed himself. You see, he's perfect now (or should I say it?). There's something I did for him (it) as well: whenever he tries to approach a flower, he'll feel as if someone or something bits him. I know how considered of me it is to do so. You're welcome.

It is now time for you to burn this information from your brain and never ever let anyone read about this non-existence 'Hardyn', but about a bee with no stinger.

I hope you liked this story. I enjoyed writing it! It's short, but as short as this character deserves. ;)

Bye xxx

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Literary Game: A Nephew Gotta Do What A Nephew Gotta Do #1

Hey dreamers!
I know, I know, I know. It's been way long time since my last post. I apologize, very sincerely. But, you see, I had my finals. Plus, my Internet did not work pretty well.

Anyway, on Christmas holidays, my parents got me a "Stories Cubes" mini-kinda box which, for those who don't know it, is a kind of fun literary game that consists of creating stories by rolling the nine dices that go within that little box, here is a picture:

Let me tell you, beforehand, this game has its rules and instructions, but just like all games it is up to you whether you follow them or create new ones! Specially this type of game that the only thing that definitely requires is creativity.

In case you wonder, here are the things I decided to follow and the ones I created myself, to make it more challenging and, personally, way exciting:

According to the instructions, it can be played by many a user, it is certainly suitable for all kind of users: from children to old people. One throws the nine dices and has to create a story (you can even choose, to make it more challenging, how long will it take for each user to think of a story and tell it to the audience, if any). You can play this game on your very own! I assure you it's lots of fun! :D

So I thought of adding a little box I own in which I've been putting tons of different books' characters' names that I would randomly choose (from 1 to 2 or even 3 pieces of paper) per story. Also, I would create the story by throwing only three dices at a time, making it easier, perhaps.

Without further do, here's the first story!


Character: Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter)
Character: Kirtash (Memories of IdhĂșn)
Dice 1: Night
Dice 2: Turtle
Dice 3: Foot

  Kirtash was Umbridge's nephew. They hated each other. They first met when Kirtash went to Hogwarts and got sorted in Slytherin and discovered his aunt, his hateful and disgusting aunt, would be his teacher and headmistress of Kirtash's house. He was disappointed.

  Not only did he receive twice punishment and unluckness among all Slytherins, but from her. She was a devil woman. That's why Kirtash decided it was time for a change. And he certainly did something to accomplish it. Therefore, one night, Silent's Night, on Christmas times, Kirtash was deliverately telling everyone he knew that he'd go some time away because of some family business. He sealed the Marauder's map so that he made sure no one was walking by, and went right to Umbridge's office.

- Who is this? –Umbrage whispered, starting to get quite nervous, as always. She knew or, at least, had that feeling that something was about to happen concerning her. But she got closer to her shinny-pinky door and unlocked it, determined.

- Hello, dear aunt. – began Kirtash, grimacing, – I just wanted to give you a Christmas present. I thought you'd like to receive it. You seem to like surprises, don't you, dear aunt? – he smiled at her, quite sarcastically, as he always did. He, however, didn't stop glancing at her fiercely. And with those incredibly big green eyes brightened by the blueish moonlight, coming from one of the small windows and in contrast with that annoying and carcinogenic rosy colour. Umbridge couldn't help it but make a gasp of horror and incredulity. It was the first time in very long that someone offered her a Christmas present.

- Oh– not at all, darling– not at all. You didn't have to, though. I'm all astonishment, not gonna lie. What is–

And within three or five seconds, Kirtash took off his wand he was patiently holding behind his robes and cast a spell he knew too well.

- You must not tell lies, dear aunt. You know that well. Oh– didn't wait for– what was your question again? Never mind. You see, I just thought it'd be more surprising and amusing if I just gave you my Christmas present. Happy Xmas!

That very night, as a dragon, he took her with his enormous paws and went eastwards the Hogwarts' lake, far away from the castle. He had transformed her into a tiny and pinky turtle.

- A nephew gotta do what a nephew gotta do. –he said, smiling at her, very sarcastically. He then, took all his energy and threw her away where no one could ever see her or hear her again, there with the merpeople and other creatures who would be pleased to meet her.

Did he ever regret what he had done? Not at all. He never ever did (and never will).

(In case you wondered, this post was not sponsored at all. I just love this literary game! And I wanted to make sure I mentioned it here to share it with you, guys!)

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Opening one's soul through a window

  I am tremendously conscious about my so long writing-gap. It is been almost three months, if I may not be wrong. However, I might have good or rather unfortunate excuses for my enormous delay: I've been spending my free time reading, staying with my family and also meeting my friends. Nevertheless, it is not been a non-writing term, this one, that must be said. I have actually been writing pretty much in my diary.

Jo writing (scene taken from Little Women, 1994)

  I have just watched 'Little Women' (film) and it brought me into some interesting and deep frustrating thoughts on being one's self on one's writings, life,... on, as this title states, 'opening one's soul through a window'; a window which is, in fact, uncertain, mysterious, infinite, unknown, exposed; in other words, opening one's thoughts and concerns and feelings through and towards reality. Something which I am certainly not used to, nor comfortable doing; at least not yet.

  And that is the reason which brought me here. I have been thinking about it more than months ago. More than necessary. More than anyone should ever even thinking of. You see, one of my points is: when one has a struggle (however little, however insignificant), one has the right and must react to it as if it were a tumor; the longer you wait, the worse it gets. And I did not do that. Truly enough, I may honestly regret it. But I also have the belief that: if one thinks that something is not over, then it is not. And this is not over.

  Back to the first and most important point that concerns me the most now (at least in this very right moment), I would really appreciate it to make myself clearer, closer to what my thoughts are on, if not everything, almost everything.

  Something that really gets on my nerves is the fact that I have been told to stop writing such long sentences, quite oftenly. Sorry to disappoint all of those who may think that long sentences are simply not correct. I may remind them that our beloved Jane Austen used to write sentences which were as long as a whole paragraph. What does she possesses, that I do not possess to have this tendency of using long sentences? Austen's style of writing has been very loved through the centuries, including, and especially, her long sentences... 'Oh, why, then, why can't I?' (Dorothy, 'Wizard of Oz').

Dorothy singing (scene taken from Wizard of Oz)

  See. Dream. Feel. Believe. Express. Dedicate. Listen. Demonstrate. Courage. And many more. For some reason, these last two or three years I started to lose my motivational pation for either writing, reading or doing anything. I assume I sometimes may have been lazy and that has caused me several struggles when writing or even searching and getting information. But, as said before, it is never too late unless you say so. I did not and never will, not when referring to these last terms, which I would appreciate very much indeed to get used to them (theoretically and specially practically).

  We have always been told that one does not born knowing everything and knowing about everything (two different aspects of knowledge, to be true). Therefore, we must not lose the hope and the courage to getting to know what the world may offer us. One will never ever get to know every single thing related to every single aspect and creation ever made. But, why would that prevent us to keep finding and discovering new things? Never happened. And never will.

  Whatever you want to do, do it, but being you. If you want to write, write what you want to write about, not what 'they' may want to hear or read. If you want to listen to some music, listen to the music you want to listen to. Do not ever let you do something because others may expect it from you since it is the 'tendency' or 'the ordinary' or even 'the right thing to do'. These concepts just make me laugh so loudly I cannot breathe right now. Sadly, they exist(ed).

  What happens to me is that I seldom think I do not possess my own personality or ability or courage to do something or that I think I would like to do. There is a term I must use and that has totally to do with this little struggle I sometimes possess and that annoys me and scaries me, at the same time, in such a way, I cannot even express myself by writing, not even by thinking: adaptation.

Pascal chameleon (scene taken from Tangled 2010)

  Human beings have always had struggles in adaptating to the society's rules, inquiries, rights, reformations, lifestyles, etc. because the term 'society' has always been directly related to 'community'. And because people change, community changes, time does as well. Everything changes because that is the circle of life and evolution. We improve or either worsen. But never stay. 

  Hence, one must be brave enough to get through these unknown and unexpected changes (as they are surely constantly changing) and live the way one desires to live, if possible. One should find and differenciate between two sides (which may or may not be separated endlessly): one's side and society's side. And one must remember that belonging to both of them is not a bad sign at all (as long as one does not lose one's side, which I consider myself to be the most important one of both). Following this idea of a 'double lived life', which I embrace since it is a term first time used by myself (and, therefore, dangerously rejected by many), it is very much necesary to remember which is the most important one at the moment and which one we want to improve. None of them are easy ways, but nor is life itself. But, the most important thing here and the actual point I really want to make is: whichever you choose, always be yourself, even if it happens to be your soul, only. You may lie to society, even to yourself sometimes. But do not ever let the latter happen very frequently.

  That is, I believe, the secret of knowing adaptation and knowing how to adaptate. So, according to the two paths that one is recommended to walk by, there are also two types of adaptation: one's adaptation to society's and one's adaptation to one's self.
  Anyway, it is getting late. It is an hour past midnight and all I really wanted to say is that whatever your struggles are, however small, go and fight them, deal with them, do not try to avoid them, confront them. Be honest with others, but most importantly to yourself. You are your soul mate. No one will ever be as good nor as bad as you. Cause we are all different, equally different. What matters is that you keep living and believing in your own beliefs.

  This time I happened to have struggles with trying to be myself when writing about whatever occurs to my mind. Obviously, that is not the only one I have. But, among all, this is the most important one and the one I want to think of now.

  Remember, opening one's soul either through a window or through one's self is just a matter of courage, adaptation and patience.

Alba x

Friday, 8 April 2016

Real life vs Fictional life


Which is which?
When which is which?
Which life are you most used to?
Which one are you living in, in reality?
Is there, even, a difference between these two lives?
Do we choose where to live? If not, why? If so, when?
Are we really conscious and aware of which one is which?
When was this distinction made, why was it made and how?
How much fiction and reality does a book or even a film contain?
Can something fictional be real and something real be fictional?

Hello Dreamers!

I know, I know. Two things. It's been so long since I finish this post I posted a few months ago. Also, I've already posted this one already, so why is it that I'm writing on a second post on the same day? I'm just in the mood to do so. As simple as it sounds, guys. Anyway, let's get started!

Although it's been some time now since I posted this, I'm still struggling in finding a possible difference or else similarity, if any, between these two concepts: fictional life and real life. Nevertheless, there are some of aspects I think I have never changed in thinking and never will, as I'm wholeheartedly stuck with them (not necessarily in a bad sense).

First of all, let me advertise you, I won't be answering the questions I made right above, right away. First reason: there is, as I see it, no right answer to any of them. Second reason: I cannot find a proper one for any of the above, not sufficiently substancial to make myself clear, at least. However, I will be as clear as possible when showing you my thoughts on this matter.

This struggle of mine, which I believe many of you deal with, occurred after attending one of my 'mind palace's speeches, which tends to take place some time to time, after watching a film or reading a book. If you're a book or film lover, you may understand what I mean. It so happens that I'm in the need to know the questions I made at the very top of this post.

Prepare yourselves to read some pretty profound aspects, feelings and conclusions I made during this sort of "mind palace speech". Hopefully, some of them sound quite familiar to you or either conclusive. If not, please, make sure you comment down below your thoughts on them!

Wow, that's what I call a long introduction to this topic! But, hey, in my believe: to complex aspects, long speeches.

All statements are based on nothing other than my thoughts and perspectives.

· Statement 1: We are used to deal with problems and complexities since we were children. However, no one and nothing has ever taught us what 'reality' is and what 'fiction' is. This may happen because no one really knows it. Some may relate 'fiction' to 'magic' and, therefore, it is not to be spoiled, ever. And that one has to just discover and live one's life without knowing it because 'answers will come in the right moment, at the right time'. Others may think, it is crucial to get to know the differences between what is real and what is fictional, constantly, always, in order to be happy.

· Statement 2: To understand something, one has to compare it necessarily to the other. Otherwise, no definition will be entirely correct or loyal to its real meaning. By reading or watching to fictional life, we can understand the real life. 

· Statement 3: Actors are objects when acting, but they're conscious of that. They are suppose to separate the fictional life they're working in from their own real life. If some people are incapable of acting, the reason why this happens may be because of the fact that they think there's only one life to live in, or else, they don't believe in the existence of two worlds other than 'the real world'.

· Statement 4: Whether something is real or fictional, is up to one's perspective on the matter.

· Statement 5: It is thanks to the fictional life that we live in the real life. And fictional life is based on real life and, if not, something related to it. And it is through fictional life that we see and perceive the real one, and the other way round. So is it then reality or fiction, what we depend on and where we live?

These 5 statements are the main ones I've been thinking of so far. If anyone feels like there's more to be mentioned, do not hesitate on writing them on the comments below! I'll be so pleased and grateful to hear from your thoughts on this!

I presume these five statements, this whole post actually, might have caused you some headache or feel like nothing makes sense anymore. Don't worry, I'm aware of it and I know it may not make sense (but let me tell you, it does for me, although not all the time). Let me give you some final examples (and therefore illustrative conclusions) I thought of that show what 'real life' and 'fictional life' is for me, taking my 4th statement into account:

· Example 1: When I went to TheMakingOfHarryPotter (London) with my parents, I felt like I was living a fictional life, I couldn't believe it was actually real. In the end, I felt it was real, so I knew it did happen. In other words, what happened to be a fictional feeling, ended up becoming a real one! (both)

· Example 2: When I read a book for the first time, I'm reading a fictional thing in a real world. When I'm in the middle of the book, which I'm enjoying, I feel like I'm living in the book, more than living where I used to call 'real world' before. And when I finish the book, I feel like I no longer belong to the real world and my heart belongs totally to the fictional one. But, some weeks later, I go with my family on a trip and I again feel like I'm living in the real world. (both)

· Example 3: If we start falling asleep, we start depending more on the fictional world, than the real world. However, if we are thirsty, our mind automatically dreams of something that may awake us and go to the kitchen and drink some water. (both)

As you see and as I am trying to conclude is that, in the end, according to my beliefs, we cannot live without the other. We need fiction and reality to live.

Imagine a world without reality.
Imagine a world without fiction.

Thanks to both worlds, we can appreciate each of them. And that is simply wonderful. Sometimes painful (specially when we wish there was only one, which usually tends to be the fictional one). But in the end, we must be grateful for having both of them so close to us!

By the way, Inside Out is a great film that deals with these kind of emotional and mental situations (don't worry, it is an animated film, suitable for all). Have you watched it already? What are your thoughts on it? It is one of my favourite films ever!

Thanks so much for sticking with me! Feel free to comment anything related to this topic answering some of the questions I wrote at the beginning of this post, if you feel in the mood to do so! :)

Update: I've just had a rather serious and terrifying discussion with my parents in the car on our way back home. My mum, who is not the only one who says so, said to me I had to mature in order to see 'the real life' and 'what really matters' and 'what is correct'. Perhaps she's right, I need to mature, but is it that important and that essential, after all? For God's sake, not at all, right? Am I wrong?

Why are we, dreamers, constantly criticized and bullied for not following 'what is correct' and 'back to reality'? If there is, in fact, a fictional life, why on earth does everyone need to belong and live in the 'real one' mainly, as it is the only way to 'find happiness'?

We are all human beings and, as it is, deserve to belong to the life we want to belong to. We all deserve a life, in fact. What's the point on living in a world where your body is the only one appreciating it, where mind and soul are simply not there, not living the moment, cause they're like in a cage where they don't feel free and happy?

Statement 6: The three things one has to wonder and has to ask in order to help others who are or where in the same situation of the former:
  - Is my body here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?
  - Is my mind here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?
  - Is my soul here? If so, what about the rest? If not, where is it?

Statement 7: Something to be taken into account, related to this latter statement, is whether you're living in the reality you want to live or there's someone else choosing for you, instead. (Is it so important the 'if you can afford it, then, yes'?)

To be true, I don't know anymore what is real, what is not. I feel like all the reality I want to see, there'll always be someone who'll spoil it and say to me 'it is not true' or 'that does not exist' or 'that doesn't make one's happiness' or 'there'll never be or exist nothing like that, ever'. C'mon! We are human beings. We need magic, we need dreams, we need fiction and reality (not necessarily in that order, nor separately).

For a world filled up with immature and mature realities! All realities are necessary. No exception.
Long Live To All Dreamers And Catchers In The Rye, like me. Welcome to this reality, to this home.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Sweet Celtic

"I feel refreshed. Different. New.
Is it the air? Is it me? Is it you?
I think I know. Now I do.
Back to where I belong.
Or at least where my dreams do.

Sweet Celtic sound that bewitches
my heart, my soul, my life, my dreams.

Among all the things surrounding me,
you lead me and guide me towards you.
There: silver souls, smooth burblings, high lands.

Sweet Celtic sound that bewitches
my heart, my soul, my life, myself, me.

Land of Magic,
Land of Union,
Land of Silence,
Land of Inspiration,
Land of Coasts."

About it:

It is noticed the simplicity of this poem of mine.

Firstly, I do not own as much vocabulary as I wish I had (but time will say, I know it will).

Secondly, sometimes you have to turn to Simplicity if you want to obtain Complexity (at least that is what I think).

Anyway, it occurred to me because I tend to regret not doing things I actually love: such as listening to Celtic music like more oftenly, playing violin,... having fun without the ridiculous need to get drunk or to wear makeup and uncomfortable outfits.

And getting more serious, I certainly believe that there is a place out there for me. And I found it. I already did in the past, but tend to forget it or just ignore it. Not anymore. We have to learn to say "No" when something does not amuse us or is not as how we want it to be. Getting back to where I was, that place is Scotland and Ireland... those landscapes, that music, those colours, that weather. I would marry everything of every place mentioned. What is considered "bad" or "negative" turns out to be totally the opposite, to me, which might not be what the majority of people think, but whichever the case I am in, I take it. I take the place. I take the case.

Go raibh maith agat! /guh rev mah a-gut/ Thank you!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sherlock #1

Is there anything more annoying than staring at your laptop, at what's going to be your first post, and having no idea what to say and how to actually start?

To begin with, yeah, not a very original post title compared to my blog's (won't deny it, took me some tedious time to come up with it). Anyway, have a go on guessing its hidden meaning/s (if you happen to not having stumbled on it yet).

I've been having difficulties on trying to decode Mr. Holmes' personality (yes, I know, google would do a great job finding it; but I'm very stubborn when it comes to coded meanings, I really am). That doesn't mean, however, that I have not a single clue. Sometimes, even if you know you are wrong, you have to give it a try and go for it, you never know whether you're 100% wrong or only a 40%.

Up to this point, it's time to give this pointless post title some meaning:

It's been less than some weeks ago that I finally entered into the adventurous and a bit creepy world of Sherlock Holmes. And considering how long it's been since Arthur Conan Doyle actually published his work, I don't feel like telling you who Sherlock Holmes is (as mentioned above, go and find it out yourselves; not rude, I'm just giving you the chance to do it; consider yourselves privileged if this is the first time you've ever heard of Sherlock).

Nevertheless, I'm going to base my rather speculated thoughts on the Sherlock played by Benedict Cumberbatch in 'Sherlock' (what an original name that one, as well, eh? Congrats to whomever came up with this brilliant name; sorry if I'm being too sarcastic, but, funny how imagination works in some minds).

  • He seems to be very good at his job: "consulting detective". Looks like he is a child playing with his favourite toy when he's working on crimes. A very arrogant, egocentric and narcissistic man. Also, rationality seems to be his own and best company ever.
  • Now, what about the irrational and sentimental part of him? Does he actually own one? I'm sure he does, especially after watching the 1st episode of the 2nd season called 'A Scandal In Belgravia'. In such episode, Sherlock is involved in a case where a woman takes one of the main roles (along with Sherlock and Watson) and, as the story goes on, one can easily appreciate the attraction between "The Woman" (that's how he actually addresses to her) and Holmes. What's the problem here? Sherlock has never been with anyone (considering being as 'in a relationship'). And always finds love a 'disease' found in the looser ones. And the last thing he would ever wish would be being implicated in 'love affairs'.
  • His friendship with Mr. Watson is very questionable indeed. I wish I knew what they think about each other. Several times it has crossed my mind the fact that at least one of them feels attracted to the other. But, again, simple speculations. What about that episode, I'd say the third and last one of the first season where there's this criminal that Sherlock consideres 'gay'? First of all, it's not very clear whether the murderer survives or not. I guess not. What about that thing the murderer says to Sherlock in the swimming pool: “did you like that little touching with the underwear?” What does it even suppose to mean? Not a single clue, to be honest with you. I’ll find it out, though. It sounds... well, it sounds what it sounds as it means what it means. Also, when Sherlock takes Watson's jacket (only his jacket!) at same place, John Watson says to Sherlock: “Ripping off my clothes… people might talk.” And Sherlock replies: “People do little else.” And they start giggling and looking at each other's eyes. Sorry, guys, but, if that's not love, what the hell is it suppose to mean? I mean, the murderer was actually gay. But what about the other two, huh?

Well, the only thing left to say is: we'll see how this story goes. Really looking forward to it (Sherlock's love affairs...)!

Alba x