Friday, 30 September 2016

Bewitching Boys? Bugger off!

September 30th already!
Well - hello dreamers, my dearest ones!

I know. What's this post about, girl? Only one post on this ending month and of all the things to be talked and described in this world, all the actually possible beautiful things, you just happen to came up with this one. I guess it shows an actual summary of what's been happening this course. See? I know. 

Now, before you continue this not-worth-it and massive bubble of conclusions (which maybe no one will ever do as no one reads this bloody blog, only 3 of me do: my past, present and future), let me get more and more into the big point of today's (tonight's, already! Guys – September 30th is being – and not for much time now!)

This month's been great, really. It's just that whenever I feel like writing, Time takes it away from me. You may relate to that. Don't pretend you don't. Everyone gets to know Time, once in one's life at least. Anyway, it's almost 9 pm (it's actually almost 8pm, but not sure how long will this take me having Time right on my shoulders and on my hands as trying to make them go faster and faster).

As always, lots of introductory paragraphs and by the time I get to the main point which brought me here actually, it'll be probably midnight and September will be forever summarised as: in albis, noughts, nada, rien, nichts.

Perhaps I should therefore not continue this. But – oh bugger! How many times have I told you it's September 30th, already! I just can't believe it, can you? As you probably know by now, I promised myself I'd be posting a post (oh, Redundancy appeared on a post of mine, once again! Well hello dear, thanks for ruining my already limited English word box) once a month, at least! So – big surprise – time's almost up! Need to post something. Don't think for one second I'm that vague. I mean, guys, I've been thinking about this post almost ten hours earlier today, so don't blame me – not today (if you happen to be one of the only people in this world who actually read my posts; that would be a big surprise, indeed).

Dear "Bewitching Boys" and dear romantic comedy films that make their existence possible: Bye.

And it doesn't help me dealing with the real thing – the actual struggle. Love, that is.

I love watching films. But there's only one thing I cannot help preventing my eyes from: seeing – nice and freaking perfect attractive guys! C'mon. It is fairly tested that it's an unhealthy way of killing young hearts.

What good they do on us? Highly-deadly false emotional expectations. Stop 'treating' my eyes as if they were part of an idiot thingy.

Films create the guy who everyone loves and wants, but no one gets to meet or even see in their entire life – ever. Magic? Nah – I'd rather call it: A buggered bugger of buggers. Urghh!

Dear film-makers, film-producers, film-writers, film-costumers... dear ALL who made:
Bridget Jones diaries, Pride And Prejudice, Sense And Sensibility, Roman Holiday, Notting Hill, Love Actually, MammaMia, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Must Love Dogs, Ghost, You've Got Mail, Sabrina, and many more possible:

Me x

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