Sunday, 26 June 2016

Literary Game: A Nephew Gotta Do What A Nephew Gotta Do #1

Hey dreamers!
I know, I know, I know. It's been way long time since my last post. I apologize, very sincerely. But, you see, I had my finals. Plus, my Internet did not work pretty well.

Anyway, on Christmas holidays, my parents got me a "Stories Cubes" mini-kinda box which, for those who don't know it, is a kind of fun literary game that consists of creating stories by rolling the nine dices that go within that little box, here is a picture:

Let me tell you, beforehand, this game has its rules and instructions, but just like all games it is up to you whether you follow them or create new ones! Specially this type of game that the only thing that definitely requires is creativity.

In case you wonder, here are the things I decided to follow and the ones I created myself, to make it more challenging and, personally, way exciting:

According to the instructions, it can be played by many a user, it is certainly suitable for all kind of users: from children to old people. One throws the nine dices and has to create a story (you can even choose, to make it more challenging, how long will it take for each user to think of a story and tell it to the audience, if any). You can play this game on your very own! I assure you it's lots of fun! :D

So I thought of adding a little box I own in which I've been putting tons of different books' characters' names that I would randomly choose (from 1 to 2 or even 3 pieces of paper) per story. Also, I would create the story by throwing only three dices at a time, making it easier, perhaps.

Without further do, here's the first story!


Character: Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter)
Character: Kirtash (Memories of Idhún)
Dice 1: Night
Dice 2: Turtle
Dice 3: Foot

  Kirtash was Umbridge's nephew. They hated each other. They first met when Kirtash went to Hogwarts and got sorted in Slytherin and discovered his aunt, his hateful and disgusting aunt, would be his teacher and headmistress of Kirtash's house. He was disappointed.

  Not only did he receive twice punishment and unluckness among all Slytherins, but from her. She was a devil woman. That's why Kirtash decided it was time for a change. And he certainly did something to accomplish it. Therefore, one night, Silent's Night, on Christmas times, Kirtash was deliverately telling everyone he knew that he'd go some time away because of some family business. He sealed the Marauder's map so that he made sure no one was walking by, and went right to Umbridge's office.

- Who is this? –Umbrage whispered, starting to get quite nervous, as always. She knew or, at least, had that feeling that something was about to happen concerning her. But she got closer to her shinny-pinky door and unlocked it, determined.

- Hello, dear aunt. – began Kirtash, grimacing, – I just wanted to give you a Christmas present. I thought you'd like to receive it. You seem to like surprises, don't you, dear aunt? – he smiled at her, quite sarcastically, as he always did. He, however, didn't stop glancing at her fiercely. And with those incredibly big green eyes brightened by the blueish moonlight, coming from one of the small windows and in contrast with that annoying and carcinogenic rosy colour. Umbridge couldn't help it but make a gasp of horror and incredulity. It was the first time in very long that someone offered her a Christmas present.

- Oh– not at all, darling– not at all. You didn't have to, though. I'm all astonishment, not gonna lie. What is–

And within three or five seconds, Kirtash took off his wand he was patiently holding behind his robes and cast a spell he knew too well.

- You must not tell lies, dear aunt. You know that well. Oh– didn't wait for– what was your question again? Never mind. You see, I just thought it'd be more surprising and amusing if I just gave you my Christmas present. Happy Xmas!

That very night, as a dragon, he took her with his enormous paws and went eastwards the Hogwarts' lake, far away from the castle. He had transformed her into a tiny and pinky turtle.

- A nephew gotta do what a nephew gotta do. –he said, smiling at her, very sarcastically. He then, took all his energy and threw her away where no one could ever see her or hear her again, there with the merpeople and other creatures who would be pleased to meet her.

Did he ever regret what he had done? Not at all. He never ever did (and never will).

(In case you wondered, this post was not sponsored at all. I just love this literary game! And I wanted to make sure I mentioned it here to share it with you, guys!)

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