Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sherlock #1

Is there anything more annoying than staring at your laptop, at what's going to be your first post, and having no idea what to say and how to actually start?

To begin with, yeah, not a very original post title compared to my blog's (won't deny it, took me some tedious time to come up with it). Anyway, have a go on guessing its hidden meaning/s (if you happen to not having stumbled on it yet).

I've been having difficulties on trying to decode Mr. Holmes' personality (yes, I know, google would do a great job finding it; but I'm very stubborn when it comes to coded meanings, I really am). That doesn't mean, however, that I have not a single clue. Sometimes, even if you know you are wrong, you have to give it a try and go for it, you never know whether you're 100% wrong or only a 40%.

Up to this point, it's time to give this pointless post title some meaning:

It's been less than some weeks ago that I finally entered into the adventurous and a bit creepy world of Sherlock Holmes. And considering how long it's been since Arthur Conan Doyle actually published his work, I don't feel like telling you who Sherlock Holmes is (as mentioned above, go and find it out yourselves; not rude, I'm just giving you the chance to do it; consider yourselves privileged if this is the first time you've ever heard of Sherlock).

Nevertheless, I'm going to base my rather speculated thoughts on the Sherlock played by Benedict Cumberbatch in 'Sherlock' (what an original name that one, as well, eh? Congrats to whomever came up with this brilliant name; sorry if I'm being too sarcastic, but, funny how imagination works in some minds).

  • He seems to be very good at his job: "consulting detective". Looks like he is a child playing with his favourite toy when he's working on crimes. A very arrogant, egocentric and narcissistic man. Also, rationality seems to be his own and best company ever.
  • Now, what about the irrational and sentimental part of him? Does he actually own one? I'm sure he does, especially after watching the 1st episode of the 2nd season called 'A Scandal In Belgravia'. In such episode, Sherlock is involved in a case where a woman takes one of the main roles (along with Sherlock and Watson) and, as the story goes on, one can easily appreciate the attraction between "The Woman" (that's how he actually addresses to her) and Holmes. What's the problem here? Sherlock has never been with anyone (considering being as 'in a relationship'). And always finds love a 'disease' found in the looser ones. And the last thing he would ever wish would be being implicated in 'love affairs'.
  • His friendship with Mr. Watson is very questionable indeed. I wish I knew what they think about each other. Several times it has crossed my mind the fact that at least one of them feels attracted to the other. But, again, simple speculations. What about that episode, I'd say the third and last one of the first season where there's this criminal that Sherlock consideres 'gay'? First of all, it's not very clear whether the murderer survives or not. I guess not. What about that thing the murderer says to Sherlock in the swimming pool: “did you like that little touching with the underwear?” What does it even suppose to mean? Not a single clue, to be honest with you. I’ll find it out, though. It sounds... well, it sounds what it sounds as it means what it means. Also, when Sherlock takes Watson's jacket (only his jacket!) at same place, John Watson says to Sherlock: “Ripping off my clothes… people might talk.” And Sherlock replies: “People do little else.” And they start giggling and looking at each other's eyes. Sorry, guys, but, if that's not love, what the hell is it suppose to mean? I mean, the murderer was actually gay. But what about the other two, huh?

Well, the only thing left to say is: we'll see how this story goes. Really looking forward to it (Sherlock's love affairs...)!

Alba x


  1. Apologise. Didn't start this blog properly, actually. I should mention what my blog is mainly going to be about... I'm not sure, though. But I guess things like: 'dreams', 'love', 'films', 'TV series', 'celebrities', 'news'. Basically that.
    I should also apologise in advance for not being a native English speaker, which will make this blog, in some ways, quite complicate to understand. Nevertheless, because I'm a non-native speaker, doesn't mean that I don't know English and about English. Keep that in mind, huh? Alright. So that's all for now!

    P.S. Hopefully next post title will be as unique as this one, do not worry yourselves.
    See you around x

  2. And lastly (promes):
    I'm going to be using the "comments section" in order to clarify or add more things related to the posted post (tricky words, yes).

    See you x

  3. Hello guys, later on I'll be posting a different post. Probably a Sherlocky one, as well. I'll see. I've just watched another episode named 'The Hounds Of Baskerville'. I just need to talk about my obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch, so badly. Before the week ends, I'll do it.
    Bye x

    1. I have now realized I did not do so. Anyway–
      Update: I haven't expressed my devotion on HarryPotter and my almost obsession concerning it! :D I will do it someday, but very careful and consciously, cause this is like talking about one's pet! I cannot handle but say beautiful things about HarryPotter! I've stucked with this saga until the very end (which seems to never end, happily!). You have not an idea how excited it is for me to see the increase of this world that is becoming more and more expansive and fantastic and magical and perfect! :)

      By the way, I changed this blog a tiny bit by adding a beautiful photo of a Scottish landscape. You know I love Scotland– wait– do you, really? GOSH, haven't talked about Scotland either! Alright, here's the deal, I'll be posting an introductory post about the things I like (not the ones I don't like cause that's simply not cool and fun to do, you know that).

      See you in a while, dreamers! Hope you're having a wonderful day! It's brightly sunny here.

      Cheerio x
