Friday, 13 October 2017

Across The Universe: the American Dream's nemesis

Hi dreamers,

Note to self: Reminder. No one reads your posts apart from you, so just share your statements so that when you're older and go back to your blog remember one of the things that made you be who you are or you once were–  the Across The Universe movie, that is.

I was 9-ish the first time I watched it on the movie theater. Little did I know that it would become one of my top 10 all-time favorite movies. It took me 10 years to feel and have this attachment to it. Sometimes it even takes longer. I guess I was lucky– I guess I am lucky.  Had my 9-year-old self known that this movie would have made me feel the way that makes me feel these days– I would have not even believed it back then.

Many people who are not fans of this movie happen to be fans of The Beatles and it is one of the main reasons why they hate this movie so much. It is not just that none of the Beatles appear in the movie, but that (according to some) none of the songs are performed the way the Beatles did. I get it–  but I am myself a huge Beatles fan and I adore this movie so much. What's more, I really like their performance– especially 'Blackbird', 'Oh Darling', 'Because' and 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'.

Back to my latest point, though, this movie was not meant to be taken as a "Beatles movie" or based on them, or whatever, you know. It simply reflects the issues that the latest Beatles' songs meant– and shared in times of war, death, and the need for love and peace– and put them into context. A context which could sadly still be applied to our present days...

In other words, this movie not only does it reflect those messages of peace and love The Beatles shared with the world, but it compares them to the reality of what was happening in that time in both America and the UK– and the world, really. Songs like "Let It Be", "Strawberry Fields", "Revolution", "Across The Universe", "Happiness Is A Warm Gun", "I Want You (She's So Heavy)", among others. The movie reflects them in the main characters's needs and it mainly makes the viewer familiarise and sympathise with them and feel their pain, and sorrow, and dreams vanished because of the reality in which they are living– the American Dream's nemesis.

Apart from the excellent aspects of content, the form in which the film is unconventionally presented is genuinely brilliant. The negatives shots, the distorted sounds, and even the choreography, create this mixture of texture and emotions and sensations in the movie that can easily be seen in a world of constant war– an emergence of radical values towards love and peace and extremely against the authorities, and those who obeyed them, of the time.

I'd love to finish my general view on this film by quoting one of my favourite lines from this movie:
"'I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.' That is so right. You know, and if nobody's everybody then someone can be anybody, right?"

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Looking at: Martin Freeman

My increasing obsession with Martin Freeman has become more than a mere obsession so to speak. It is not just me it seems– apparently many people has gone through this kind of feeling recently too. Alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and many other actors, Martin Freeman has become hotter and hotter and I'm going to analyse why and how has that happened.

Clearly, we're talking about Martin's star persona– more especifically (and confusing to separate from the real actor therefore) about what the things these characters that Martin's been playing these past few years have in common. However, because he has appeared in many films and TV series, I thought I would consider just the ones I have seen. Therefore, this post is going to be more about my evolutionary self; how and why Martin Freeman has recently become an obsession of mine and will certainly be like that for some time.

Here is a very summarised content of the filmography I've experienced with Martin Freeman starring in it. As you will see, it is not large at all but I am still attempting to analyse why because there must be a reason and something hidden and maybe not so hidden behind this star persona.

     1- Love Actually (film) 
     2- Sherlock (TV series– 12 episodes) – Oh no!
     3- Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Naughty Girl
     4- StartUp – Troublemaker and Toxic

So if you've been surprisedly shook by one or some of these four ones mentioned regarding Martin's characterization, bear with me and let this post guide you through a really basic but essential analysis. I assure you it will be a very elementary one because I am no expert of Martin Freeman's but my eyes start to feel really attached to his star persona and so my heart and therefore my mind– it is what it is.

1- Getting to know Martin Freeeman with LOVE ACTUALLY

The first time I saw Martin Freeman was in this film and I remember thinking he is pretty hot– at leasts the scenes he was playing were, no one can deny that of course. The character in this film is very sweet and shy and is falling in love with this colleague whom he meets at work and who also happens to be falling in love with him. Even though this character may seem a bit of a cliché, he may not be. He is a porn star and although it is true he might have get used to seeing naked bodies, I find it really amazing how careful and loveable he is with her.

I've been watching this film every Christmas Eve with my parents ever since we watched it in the cinemas– it is a tradition of ours. We simply love this film. So although the character is not as developed and as well-built as the rest are, I have get used to him– to his gestures, his constant moisture lips. Nevertheless, I never really felt in love with this character– I just liked his personality but that was all. But it is this film, that I may have watched now over 10 times, where I can say I have been seeing this man's face for some time now. 

So this first step in my "obsession process" clearly was a rather large one in which as in any relationship happens– you first need to get to know the person and get used to him in this case. He was always the same because he was framed in this film and besides he only appears for thirty minutes at most– yeah, fair enough. But that doesn't stop me from having the possibility of having internalised this guy in my mind (and dreams– I believe it happened) and becoming part of a family tradition which is saying a lot.

What's more, he has introduced me to this world of sex and love affairs in a rather sweet way and that body isn't everything somehow– because although he had already seen her body, he was amused to get to know her and date her. I mean other guys would be like, I won't waste my time getting to know her if I've already seen her body and interacted with it (I know this sounds so stereotypical and sexist but I am just typing what some guys think like and sure do).

2- Leaving a mark with SHERLOCK (TV Series)

We all know this BBC Sherlock TV series too well. And if you don't and want to watch it– you may want to stop reading this because I am going to mention some spoilers in order to get to John Watson's character truly fully.

Now, before starting talking about John Watson I need to mention something of great importance first. I felt in love with Benedict Cumberbatch very strongly. Ever since that happened, I started watching some fan videos of Sherlock's because I felt I desperatedly needed to see Benedict's character's in a sequence of carefully chosen shots played synchronisedly with some romantic music. 

The thing is that– again, by doing that, because of the strong OTP happening in the fandom between Sherlock and John, I was probably unaware of John's appearings. What's more, I personally think that what ended up becoming an obsession with Martin Freeman began and really sprang with my obsession wiht Benedict Cumberbatch got at a point where I started feeling (or thinking that I was doing so) like Benedict's character did and started looking at John in a pretty different and special way. Funny enough, I reckon it was through Benedict's character in Sherlock that I saw the rather extreme beauty in John Watson (and so in Martin Freeman's) and I started appreciating and consciously noticing him more and more. And when I say 'more' I really mean it. If I ever have to blame anyone or anything for this it has to be Twitter and Tumblr especially.

3- Tasting a new risqué sauce character from WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT (film)

I have to admit though that had it not been for Twitter, I would probably not have gone into as much research as I have been being recently– those magical, mysterious GIFs– I mean– do you think you do appreciate them enough– what they can do to us and the amount of feels they bring? Well– I think I do. Now, most of them regarding Martin Freeman I realised were from this film and a TV series called Start Up which I will be talking about later on.

There are many things worth mentioning regarding Martin Freeman's characterisation of his star persona in this film: his looks, his voice, his gestures– but first of all– I want to consider the foundation that it is been created so far about him. So overall, it was all based on his personality and his relationship and care for Sherlock.

Now his character in this film has a lot more than just a friendly or loyal personality towards those around you whom he loves. Not only because of the obvious sex scenes that one finds him involved in but his personality– he is naughtier and less pure but still friendly and extremely loyal. And I think that gathering all this things and putting them into one big pot what would emerge is a striking red plant with a risqué sauce making it look so irresistible.

So in Whiskey Tank Foxtrot, Ian (Martin's character) is someone between a good joe and a tough guy– he has both really– also when it comes to morals he understands about life and doesn't let his pride be in control of what is right or what is good for others. But again at the same time– he is a rather naughty guy and is a bit competitive when it comes to women– and there are some spicy and very naughty scenes but that are worth watching.

Something I haven't mentioned yet because it is very much shown in this film is that even though Martin Freeman is British and has a great British accent– he performs a really sexy Scottish accent;  they even make him sing in a karaoke Looking at Ian in a more superficial way (in case I haven't done that already) the looks as a whole look so good on him: the hair and the clothes. I need to thank the whole team behind this film who were in charge of his character because I do think they did an incredible job and outlined the best of Martin Freeman's body altoghether. Thank you!

4- Soul sold in START UP (TV Series)

If it ain't enough with Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, the crew did a great job in this first season of Start Up with Martin's character Phil Rask– Agent Rask. The main reason why I decided to start this TV series was because a friend of mine who also loves Martin Freeman told me he was starring it. Little did I know that I'd end up loving it– now who wouldn't? Because it is very recent for me– and when I say recent I really mean it (I finished this first season yesterday!)– it is going to be a bit hard trying to be neutral or at least trying to organise my thoughts towards this character (because all we know is his present and he seems to have a huge and dark backstory).

To put it in a simpler and understandable way, this character could be compared with the one in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot but more mysterious and hotter. Not only do his looks make him look very attractive but also make his backstory look mysterious and very appealing (so it is a sort of a win-win situation for the spectator). Anyway, either in black or white shirts he definitely looks ready to kill– not to mention his feverish gazes. As a last comparison with Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, however, I do think they did a greater job here in the sense that Phil is definitely a very complex character that both crew and Martin created– such a crooked and elaborated personality that makes you want to melt.


All in all, I think I can say that regarding these two films and two TV series he has evolved magnificiently as an actor. It is true that I have not watched even a quarter of everything Martin John C. Freeman has been into these years– and therefore I am sure I have not expressed as much astonishment or admiration as he really deserves as an actor, nor do I feel like I am the best one to rate him in any way. However, if I have a say here I indubitably and legitimately think Martin Freeman does leave a mark in his star persona as an actor in every project he has been in.

I am obsessed with him and this increasing obsession will last for some more time– I simply am not over this. I am planning to watch Black Panther and Fargo really soon. I am so happy for his success as an actor and for being such a funny guy and very comprehensive and supportive with his mates. I love him and admire him– it is what it is.